Medford Child Support Lawyers
While raising a child is an enormous responsibility that requires a parent's full-time love and devotion, it also requires a significant financial commitment to provide the basic necessities for the care and maintenance of the child. In situations where a child resides with only one parent, the Massachusetts Child Support Guidelines will be used by the court to determine the amount of child support that a noncustodial parent should pay to the custodial parent. In many cases the noncustodial parent will be required to pay child support until the child attains the age of 23. In addition to child support, the noncustodial parent will often be ordered to provide health insurance and to contribute to the uninsured medical expenses for the child. Finally, the court can order the noncustodial parent to contribute to the child's college expenses.
Schedule a consultation with an attorney at Lambert Legal to learn more about your legal options.
Among child support payments, health insurance and college expenses the range of financial issues related to child support can have a significant impact on both the payor and payee parent. Interwoven within the child support guidelines are a set of technical and specific rules that govern the calculation of child support. A skilled Massachusetts child support attorney is critical to ensure that you and your child are receiving the financial assistance that you deserve or that you are paying a fair and proper amount of support. Child support can be a 23-year financial commitment, and therefore it is essential that you hire an experienced Medford child support attorney who will protect your financial interests.
When Does Child Support End in Massachusetts?
In general, child support ends when a child obtains the age of 18. However, in those situations where the child is domiciled in the home of a parent and is principally dependent upon said parent, child support can continue until the child attains the age of 21. In addition, if the child is principally dependent on the parent for maintenance due to enrollment in a post-secondary educational program, child support can continue until the child attains the age of 23 or graduates, whichever occurs first. Thus, for parents with children enrolled in post-secondary educational programs, the obligation to pay child support can potentially continue until the child attains the age of 23. As stated above, the continuation of child support beyond the age of 18 is contingent upon a showing that the child is principally dependent on a parent. In most cases it is this element that offers a child support lawyer the best opportunity to either substantiate or challenge the need for continued support. As such it is important that you retain the services of an experienced Massachusetts child support attorney who will ensure that support payments are appropriately continued or terminated. Do you need a child support lawyer who will keep your children's needs first?
Contact a Medford child support attorney at Lambert Legal to discuss your child support issues in Massachusetts.